Customer Testimonials
Julie Capbianco, RIDHS
Julie Capobianco from the Rhode Island Department of Human Services discusses how Hancock Software can administer multiple LIHEAP and WAP programs on a single platform.
Keli Reynolds, Kentucky Housing Corporation
Keli Reynolds of Kentucky Housing Corporation talks about how the reporting features of Hancock Software simplify the oversight of multiple LIHEAP and WAP programs
Gary Christopher, CAC
Gary Christopher, Director of Weatherization for Community Action Council, Howard County, Maryland discusses how Hancock Software has changed how weatherization projects are managed.
David Fish, Kennebec Valley Community Action Agency
David Fish from Kennebec Valley Community Action Agency discusses how Hancock Software's mobile tools make weatherization audits faster and more accurate.
David Caldwell, Virginia DHCD
David Caldwell of the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development discusses migrating to Hancock Cloud and training users.